Support to the Department of Defense
Targeted Approach is proud to continue our service to the Department of Defense. Our current customers include the United States Marine Corps, The United States Army, the United States Air Force, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
We never forget those we serve nor those who are ultimately impacted by the solutions we recommend.
USMC Combat Development and Integration
In support of the Logistics Integration Division and Marine Corps Systems Command, Targeted Approach is providing Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) support in the review and updating of the Marine Corps Medium Truck Vehicle Replacement (MTVR). TA is providing subject matter expertise to review and update existing legacy Medium and Heavy Tactical Vehicle (M/HTV) program requirements documentation.
USMC Civilian Communities of Interest
Targeted Approach is proud to lead the technical support to the Marine Corps for the Security and Emergency Systems (PS Div), Information Technology Management (C4), and the Logistics (I&L) Communities of Interest. TA is providing analysis, revision of current documentation, identification of best practices, and assisting in the development and documenting of baseline requirements for civilian employee training, development, and audits.
HQMC Installations and Logistics
In support of prime contractor, Solutions Through Innovative Technologies, Inc. (STI-tec), Targeted Approach LLC (TA) is proud to continue our support to Headquarters Marine Corps Installations and Logistics (I&L) under the USMC EXLOG contract. TA will continue to provide logistics subject matter expertise for Concept development, Wargaming, and Capability Development; as well as providing technical writing and analysis to projects like tactical manufacturing (3D printing) and unmanned logistics systems (air and ground) that help sustain ground logistics support across the Marine Corps.
United States Army
Targeted Approach LLC (TA) continues support to our ARCENT customers. Together with prime contractor Solutions Through Innovative Technologies, Inc. (STI-tec), TA is supporting the US Army Central Command’s Force Protection Analysis Cell (FPAC).
In partnership with prime contractor, Solutions Through Innovative Technologies, Inc. (STI), Targeted approach is providing logistics support to the Army PEO Aviation in support of the Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft Project Office (NSRWA PO) in Huntsville, AL. TA is supporting the NSRWA-PO with technical analysis, problem solving recommendations and strategies regarding Training Development, Training Aides, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations.
Defense Intelligence Agency
Targeted Approach LLC is proud to join prime contractor, Allegheny Science and Technology, (AST) in support to the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Directorate for Operations Mission Support (DOMS) in San Antonio, TX.
Targeted Approach LLC, together with Allegheny Science and Technology, (AST) was awarded a Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP) with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The Purpose of the DIA MPP is to assist small businesses (TA-protégé) successfully compete for prime and subcontract awards by partnering with large companies (AST-mentor) under individual, project-based agreements.
United States Air Force
Targeted Approach is providing support to the Air Combat Command (ACC) Director of Operations (ACC/A3) as a sub-contractor to Solutions Through Innovative Technologies, Inc. (STI-tec). TA personnel provide a range of support services which include Air Traffic Control and Weather Radar Systems support,and Range Operational Analysis and Requirements support. This work is essential in assisting ACC’s mission to Organize, Train and Equip the Combat Air Force (CAF).
Special Operations Command
Targeted Approach is pleased to be joining prime contractor, Solutions Through Innovative Technologies (STI-Tec) in supporting the Program Executive Office (PEO) for Special Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Exploitation (SRSE). TA will be providing on-site, full time, engineering and technical expertise in support to the Program Managers (PMs) and Deputy Program Managers (DPMs) within SRSE.